The latest offering from the OHV boys from Australia. While waiting for the production kits to be finished, engine #3 has been fitted to a frame which represents what Indian might have evolved to by the mid 1950's, a Sport Scout or Sportster type of bike - this one is called the Apache. It is fitted with an English transmission at the moment, but when the four-speed constant mesh internals (being made now), are ready for the Indian transmission case, an original transmission case will be fitted.

The machine has been tested briefly - it's first official outing will be on the Indian Motocycle Club of Australia's Cherokee Run, on the 19th and 20th of February, in the Macedon area of Victoria. A full report will follow.

Some Specs...
Capacity: 1140cc Valve actuation: OHV in alloy heads
Cylinders: alloy Weight: 356lb (wet!!)
Charging system: alternator Front suspension: telescopic
Rear suspension: swinging arm

The concept is that the frame can be purchased, and fitted with any of a number of different Indian powerplants - Sport Scout, sidevalve Chief or OHV Chief, and utilise available suspension components and wheels, thereby keeping the cost down (thanks to BMW for these ones, and the carburetion!).

Besides the performance aspect, one distinct advantage of the OHV kit is weight reduction (check it out!). The traditional Indian sliding gear/hand shifter can be used, but four speed constant mesh with a foot shifter fitted inside the original Indian case should turn the machine into a really fun street cruiser - with a difference! OHV kits - available now, Four speed transmission kits - soon, Apache frames - soon.

Have a look for now.....